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Python API Development - Comprehensive Course for Beginners

Writer's picture: AiMonkeeAiMonkee

Course Contents 00:00 Intro 06:33 Project Overview 11:22 Mac Python Installation 13:15 Mac VS Code install and setup 16:37 Windows Python Installation 18:30 Windows VS Code install and setup 22:11 Python virtual Env Basics 24:35 Virtual Env on windows 28:56 Virtual Env on Mac 34:17 Install dependencies w/ pip 36:21 Starting FastAPI 39:23 Path Operations 53:22 Intro toman 57:34 HTTP Requests 1:07:29 Schema Validation with Pydantic 1:22:45 CRUD Operations 1:29:44 Storing in Array 1:34:06 Creating 1:38:15 Postman Collections & saving requests 1:39:47 Retrieve One 1:48:10 Path order Matters 1:52:46 Changing response Status Codes 2:01:49 Deleting 2:10:31 Updating 2:18:02 Automatic Documentation 2:21:34 Python packages 2:24:11 Database Intro 2:28:54 Postgres Windows Install 2:31:28 Postgres Mac Install 2:34:26 Database Schema & Tables 2:44:35 Managing Postgres with PgAdmin GUI 3:12:10 Your first SQL Query 3:19:43 Filter results with "where" 3:22:55 SQL Operators 3:26:38 IN 3:28:07 Pattern matching with LIKE 3:31:59 Ordering Results 3:36:27 LIMIT & OFFSET 3:39:21 Modifying Data 3:53:48 Setup App Database 3:58:21 Connecting to database w/ Python 4:08:00 Database CRUD 4:31:18 ORM intro 4:35:33 SQLALCHEMY setup 4:55:25 Adding CreatedAt Column 5:00:59 Get All 5:07:55 Create 5:15:50 Get by ID 5:19:50 Delete 5:22:31 Update 5:28:21 Pydantic vs ORM Models 5:32:21 Pydantic Models Deep Dive 5:38:57 Response Model 5:50:08 Creating Users Table 5:54:50 User Registration Path Operation 6:03:27 Hashing Passwords 6:08:49 Refractor Hashing Logic 6:10:32 Get User by ID 6:17:13 FastAPI Routers 6:27:34 Router Prefix 6:30:31 Router Tags 6:32:49 JWT Token Basics 6:47:03 Login Process 7:00:44 Creating Token 7:09:58 OAuth2 PasswordRequestForm 7:13:23 Verify user is Logged In 7:25:21 Fixing Bugs 7:27:59 Protecting Routes 7:36:17 Test Expired Token 7:38:13 Fetching User in Protected Routes 7:42:44 Postman advanced Features 7:50:33 SQL Relationship Basics 7:54:59 Postgres Foreign Keys 8:07:20 SQLAlchemy Foreign Keys 8:13:40 Update Schema to include User 8:17:59 Assigning Owner id when creating new 8:21:01 Delete and Update only your own 8:27:48 Only Retrieving Logged in User's 8:33:37 Sqlalchemy Relationships 8:38:32 Query Parameters 8:50:46 Cleanup our file 8:53:53 Env Variables 9:21:20 Vote/Like Theory 9:26:36 Votes Table 9:31:33 Votes Sqlalchemy 9:34:11 Votes Route 9:52:31 SQL Joins 10:15:26 Joins in SqlAlchemy 10:28:21 Get One with Joins 10:30:18 What is a database migration tool 10:33:45 Alembic Setup 11:13:50 Disable SqlAlchemy create Engine 11:14:28 What is CORS? 11:23:38 Git PreReqs 11:27:40 Git Install 11:29:23 Github 11:34:39 Heroku intro 11:35:40 Create Heroku App 11:40:21 Heroku procfile 11:44:59 Adding a Postgres database 11:48:42 Env Variables in Heroku 11:58:59 Alembic migrations on Heroku Postgres instance 12:02:52 Pushing changed to production 12:05:04 Create an Ubuntu VM 12:08:04 Update packages 12:10:47 Install Python 12:12:21 Install Postgres & setup password 12:17:28 Postgres Config 12:24:50 Create new user and setup python evironment 12:34:06 Env Variables 12:42:24 Alembic migrations on production database 12:45:57 Gunicorn 12:54:12 Creating a Systemd service 13:04:45 NGINX 13:10:45 Setting up Domain name 13:15:19 SSL/HTTPS 13:19:31 NGINX enable 13:20:06 Firewall 13:23:47 Pushing code changes to Production 13:26:09 Dockerfile 13:38:39 Docker Compose 13:48:34 Postgres Container 13:56:22 Bind Mounts 14:03:39 Dockerhub 14:08:08 Production vs Development 14:14:51 Testing Intro 14:17:19 Writing your first test 14:30:22 The -s & -v flags 14:31:44 Testing more functions 14:35:29 Parametrize 14:40:21 Testing Classes 14:48:37 Fixtures 14:55:40 Combining Fixtures + Parametrize 14:59:13 Testing Exceptions 15:06:07 FastAPI TestClient 15:14:26 Pytest flags 15:17:31 Test create user 15:25:23 Setup testing database 15:36:47 Create & destroy database after each test 15:44:18 More Fixtures to handle database interaction 15:50:35 Trailing slashes in path 15:53:12 Fixture scope 16:07:50 Test user fixture 16:14:40 Test/validate token 16:18:59 16:22:09 Testing 17:34:15 CI/CD intro 17:43:29 Github Actions 17:49:32 Creating Jobs 17:57:38 setup python/dependencies/pytest 18:06:14 Env variables 18:11:19 Github Secrets 18:18:14 Testing database 18:23:42 Building Docker images 18:34:33 Deploy to heroku 18:49:10 Failing tests in pipeline 18:52:18 Deploy to Ubuntu

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